New Year

Hello, friends. Happy New Year!

Firstly, I’d like to, as always, make some reading goals for the year. I don’t even remember if I did it on the blog last year, and if I did, I’m pretty sure I failed them. So, for this year:

1) Read at least 25 books. This one makes me kind of sad because there was a time, a few years ago, that I was reading about 50 a year and I miss having books be that much of my life, but life changes and people change and hey, 25 is still way more than the average person. :P
2) Keep track of every single book I read. Goodreads just doesn’t do it for me. It doesn’t track my rereads, for one thing (or if it does I don’t know how), and I plain don’t keep up with it even for new reads. I am going to get a paper planner for work within the next week and I think I will devote a couple of pages in the back to a list, Anastasia Krupnik style.
3) Write on this blog at least three more times during non-Readathon times. I don’t mind that this is a fairly quiet blog, but I do miss writing and thinking about books. I’m not going to prescribe what types of posts they should be, and I don’t promise that they will be long or insightful. I might write them right before or after the Readathon when I remember that the blog exists. But I will write SOMETHING.

Secondly, a link which I was just going to send to Mia but then I thought that I was planning on writing this blog post anyway so why not make it a public sharing (like a public flogging but way nicer): Autostraddle’s list of the top ten queer feminist books of 2013. Disclaimer that I haven’t read any of the books on the list, but I was happy to see books by/about trans women and WOC and seems to have a nice mix of fiction and nonfiction. I thought Mia and our readers might find it useful!

Lastly, an apology: I’m so sorry to the lovely blogs who have followed us over the past couple of years. Mia doesn’t get emails for this blog, so she doesn’t even know when a new blog follows us. And I have not been keeping up with blogging or even reading blogs (curse the demise of Google Reader! I know there are other clients, but I was loyal and therefore distraught when it died) and so any of the blogs who have followed us didn’t get a follow in return. I didn’t even look at your blog and, for that, I am sorry. I will better this year.

4 thoughts on “New Year

  1. I hope you meet your goals for the year! I use LibraryThing to track my reading. For some reason, it feels more intuitive to me than GR.

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