2011 Global Reading Challenge

A few years ago my good friend Mary and I set ourselves a challenge: read one book from every country (preferably by an author from the country). Ever since I’ve started this blog, I’ve thought about organizing it into a real long-term challenge for other book bloggers. I may still do that, but for now, I’ll settle for joining the 2011 Global Reading Challenge.

I’m going to go with the Easy Challenge, which is to read one book from each continent (with the 7th being either Antarctica or SF/F or whatnot), but I am going to limit myself to books written by authors from the countries they’re writing about. Therefore, while I could count A Girl Named Disaster for Mozambique, I’m not going to as Nancy Farmer is white. That doesn’t take away from the wonderfulness of the book, but I think that to fully embrace this challenge, reading native (that’s a loaded word I’ve been avoiding using, but I’m not using it to mean brown people, just authors who are native to whatever country they’re writing about) authors is the way to go.

North America:
South America:
Seventh Continent:

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